Your Availability Sucks

When I ask Gym Owners how many time slots they have open for sales appointments, it’s usually something like this…

  • I’m busy in the mornings doing my workout or running sessions
  • I’m available in the afternoon for sales
  • I’m busy in the evening because it’s family time


How can you grow your business when you are available just a few hours a day (non-ideal hours) and you don’t have any open time slots when your customers have time to talk?

I know many Gym Owners are morning people but your customers are evening people.

That’s when they get off work, kids are home from school and they can finally calm down and think about themselves for a moment.

If you have no availability to sell after 5pm, you are leaving money on the table.

But I’m not here to rip on you. This is why I get fired up about what we do for the Gym Owners we serve at Gym Reinforcements.

Our team is hired under the pretense they will be working evenings local to the gym they serve. If that doesn’t work for them, they can walk.

  • We have part-time sales reps that work 3pm-8pm your local time.
  • And we have full-time sales reps that work 12pm-8pm your local time.

Why did we pick those times? THAT’S WHEN SALES HAPPEN!

I’ve wasted money on having a morning closer and no one can get on the phone or respond to texts when they are caught in the morning rush.

Your business will not grow until you fix your availability.

If you want to talk with our team to see if Gym Reinforcements is right for you, book a call with Vivienne.

PS: Notice her availability is the middle of the day because that’s when our customers (Gym Owners) are available to talk. HA!

Need Help With Follow Up?

Book a call with Dustin to see if our done-for-you follow up service is a good fit so you can delegate and elevate to more important areas of your business.