3 Places to Find Hidden Leads

I know getting more leads can really help you grow your business. To me, a lead is when someone gives a name, phone and email. Someone who walks into your gym isn’t a lead until they give you that info. 

You need their contact info so you can follow up if they go cold!

And today I wanted to share 3 hidden places to find more leads. Facebook Ads have made it easy to be spoon fed leads but if you need to grow your business quickly, then you need to search under every rock.

Hidden Place #1) Facebook Page Inbox

When is the last time you scrubbed through the history in your FB inbox? I bet if you went into your business page, you could find a handful of leads that sent a question like..

  • Where are you located?
  • What are your session times?
  • How much does it cost?

And you answered their question, then they ghosted you. GO BACK and reactivate those conversations. Ask them about their fitness goals. Give them a free 7-day meal plan in exchange for their phone and email. Offer them promo code that’s good for the next 48 hours only. Get a hold of them and get them through your doors!

Hidden Place #2) Use The Buddy System

This is an easy one but it requires you (or your team) to have the discipline to do it day-in and day-out. It’s simple, but not easy. The Buddy System requires you to ask every trial you sell for a referral. 

We use a script like this at Gym Reinforcements…

“Hey Susan!! We are so excited to have you join our 28 Day Challenge. We find that people tend to stick with it when they get started with a buddy. Do you have a friend or family member who would want to do this challenge with you?”

If they have someone in mind, collect their name and phone number then do a 3-way text (so you can warm them up with their buddy in the text) before calling them to close the deal. It’s even better if the trial member can do the 3-way text and introduce you to the friend. 

Hidden Place #3) Past Members

I’m shocked when I learn a Gym Owner isn’t actively making offers to their past members. These people KNOW, LIKE and TRUST you already. They just need to be made an offer they can’t refuse. They know your system, your pricing, your session flow. They are an easy sale but you don’t want to over-pitch them because they will unsubscribe. We do a quarterly reach out but mix up the offer every time. You can do a membership sale, 50% off a challenge or special invitation to a theme workout. Don’t make the same offer over and over because you will desensitize them and become white noise. 

I have even MORE places to find hidden leads in my book – Reinforce Your Gym. 

Pickup a copy on Amazon for ONLY $15 and get access to my golden strategies that have been used to build a million dollar gym. 

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