Slay the Dragon

This is terminology we’ve adopted with our team. The “dragon” refers to the big think we are all attacking right now. It might be a project or initiative, it might be a stretch goal or it might be something we want to improve. You can’t fight multiple dragons and win.

We have to concentrate and attack the one that’s right in front of you and poses the most immediate threat but is also guarding the biggest treasure.

Ask yourself and your team what “the dragon” is for you right now?

Everyone might have a different opinion and that’s helpful to hear. As a leader, you want to hear your team’s opinion and compare it to yourself to see if you’re on the same page or in a completely different universe.

Once you decide on your dragon, you can all work together to attack it everyday until it’s slayed. Then you focus on the next dragon. Rinse and repeat to systematically grow your business!

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