Plan Your 2023 Goals

This is the time of year to review your numbers with your team and prepare for 2023.

Here’s some great reflection questions…

  • Which offers brought in the most qualified leads and members?
  • What problems did we face all year long? How can we fix it?
  • What are some ways we can increase our revenue, profit and LTV (Lifetime Value)?
  • What is a new challenge you want to take on next year?
  • Who do we need to hire to grow?
  • What mistakes did we make this year and what did we learn from them?
  • What is frustrating you and needs to get solved permanently?
  • How many total members do we want by the end of 2023?
  • How many net members do we have to add each month to reach that goal?
  • What else do we need to consider to hit that goal? (EX: Leads, Trials, Retention, etc.)
  • Rate on 1-5 the five core functions of our business…
    1.) Lead Generation
    2.) Lead Nurture
    3.) Conversions
    4.) Fulfillment
    5.) Retention / Renewal / Upsell

    If anything is 3 or lower, how can we improve it?

Sometimes you might think you have all the answers as the Owner but it’s VERY eye opening to get multiple perspectives. Sometimes people see things you do not.

Open up yourself to feedback by having this raw, brutally honest talk with your team so you can step into solutions together.

If this was helpful, let me know in the comments below!!

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