Power Of The Time Study

Do you ever feel like there’s not enough time in your day to attack your goals?

This might sound counterintuitive (because it’s another thing to do) but I highly recommend completing a simple time study.

You can find free templates if you google it. But the main thing you want is a sheet of paper or app that allows you to enter what you did every 15 minutes.

This is an eye opening exercise.

Most people who do a Time Study tell me something like….

  • I’m spending too much time on small tasks.
  • I’m on an endless cycle of email >> social media >> text >> repeat. 
  • I have too many meetings and need to cut back. 
  • I’m in reaction mode, I never feel reactive.
  • I need to pre-plan my day instead of letting the day attack me.

I have my entire leadership team going through a time study and it’s been an eye opening experience for all. If you feel like you don’t know where your time goes, this is the answer you’ve been looking for.


  • Google search a time study template
  • Fill it out for 1-2 weeks (more data is better)
  • Make it easy, have it right by your side all day
  • List all the tasks that GAVE you energy vs TOOK your energy
  • Delegate as much of the stuff that sucks your energy to someone else

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