The Parent Voice

Have you ever had a new team member join your staff and be excited, coachable and ready to change lives?

Only to fast forward 2 years and you believe they aren’t listening to your advice the same way.

The “impress the boss” mindset has faded and they look up to influencers on social media more than your expertise.

It’s like teenagers that drown out their parents’ voices but listen to their friends.

It can be super frustrating but I have found a workaround that helps you to get your message through to them.

And that’s having a third party speak to your team.

Maybe they’ve heard you repeat things and phrase it the same way over and over again. Now they feel like they’ve learned everything you have to teach.

But when you bring in a guest speaker or have them listen to a podcast or YouTube video from an expert you agree with, it works in your favor.

Now they are having ah-ha moments because they believe they discovered something on their own from a third party. They are “tripping over the truth” on their own.

Let’s face it, our clients can sometimes fall into this as well. All the fitness and nutrition knowledge they need they can find in the 4 walls of our gym but they still watch YouTube videos with experts preaching their diet is the best. 

And some of our clients listen because they are really good marketers and public speakers. They present a great case and before we know it we have a cancellation because they want to try this online gurus program. 

I share this with you not to make you feel hopeless but to realize there’s power in influence and you have to fight for the heart and mind of your team and clients everyday.

If not, social media will win them over. How can you fight back?

The first step is to make sure you are growing so you can grow your team and clients. Growing people grow people.If you are stagnant in your growth then you’re giving your team permission to seek growth elsewhere.

Second, get your team around a third party that is preaching the same message as you. A third party that believes what you believe and might have a different way of phrasing the message. 

That’s the power of bringing your team to the Domination Workshop.

Matt and I will say things to your team they need to hear to get them FIRED UP and focused on growing your mission. But we can’t influence them unless you bring them.

The price for the workshop is going up by $1,500 this Friday. Get yourself and your team in the room. Go to to register!

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