Quarterly Theme to Attack Big Problems

Make no mistake about it….ALL business have problems. They don’t just have one or two, they have ALOT of problems. 

And I know it can be frustrating as the Business Owner because you want to fix them all and you want to fix them now. But they’re kinda like weeds, once you pull one another two will pop up.

That’s why you have to know when to focus on 1 or 2 SPECIFIC problems that will move the needle on the business.

And you have to know when to let a fire burn. You might know there’s another problem that needs to be fixed but you know you don’t have the bandwidth to work on it right now.

One of my favorite ways to attack the BIG PROBLEMS is with a quarterly theme.

Each quarter, we take one big problem and announce it to the team, write it on whiteboards in the gym and talk about it weekly at team meetings. 

It’s like put a bounty on this problem and we are bounty hunters looking to collect.

Ask yourself….what is one big problem that would change your business drastically in 3 months?

Do you want to hit a specific amount of trials? Do you want to achieve a certain retention percentage? Do you want to improve conversions?

Pick one, make it a quarterly theme and attack it with 100% effort. And you can sweeten the pot by offering a reward to your team if the quarterly goal is achieved.

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