It’s Not About Reading a Script, It’s About Reading a Person

I don’t know where the obsession over a script showed up in sales. They are helpful but at some point you have to be a HUMAN that can interact with other humans.

You can’t teach that to someone. Either they have it or they don’t.

Here’s where I think scripts are SUPER valuable…

  • Discovery questions: the quality of that data you gather from a lead depends on the quality of questions you ask. This is important.
  • Overcoming objections: most people are not prepared in advance for conflict so giving them some words to guide them is very helpful.
  • Asking for the sale: someone can be a good people-person and can connect but they might drop the ball at the most important part – asking for the sale. Giving them a strong closing line is money!

As you can see, there are many areas that should be scripted and they help the person to have a winning formula to close deals.

But it’s not the magic you think it might be. 

So many people ask for my sales script or other 7F gym owners script only to read it and think “that’s nothing special.” or “that’s pretty simple.”

That’s the point!! It’s meant to feel like an organic conversation between friends, not a hard close between a company and prospect.

The words only matter so much. The EQ and ability to read the other person is the real magic.

It’s not about reading the script, it’s about reading the person!

Once you understand that and you walk into a sales conversation, you will dominate. Do not skip from one question to the next when someone shares something heavy.

React like a HUMAN, not like a sales person.

Sell like a FRIEND, not like a sales person.

Close like a MENTOR, not like a sales person.

This small change can be a game changer but only if you take action. Most people read a piece of content on social media and move on to the next post or task. Make a conscious change in your next sales appointment and watch how close the easy can be.

I hope this helps you to close 100% this week!

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