Everybody Taps

This is a lesson I got from my days in wrestling school. I was stubborn and never wanted to tap out no matter how good of a wrestling hold my opponent got on me. I was trying to look strong among the other men in the class. I didn’t want to look weak.

It forced me to get bloodshot eyes, scabbed up skin and red marks all over my body. All because my ego didn’t want to tap.

One day my wrestling instructor pulled me aside and said “Dustin, there’s no shame in tapping. In fact, EVERYONE TAPS.”

That was the permission I needed. From that point forward I learned to tap during sparring so I would learn the lesson quickly and not stubbornly try to muscle my way out of the hold.

How does this translate to business?

Well, the same lesson is true. EVERYONE TAPS on the various tasks involved in their business.

  • Gym Owners should tap out on coaching and hand over the reigns.
  • Gym Owners should tap out on setting up Facebook Ads and hire it out.
  • Gym Owners should tap out on lead follow up and let a specialist do that.
  • Gym Owners should tap out on doing their own taxes and hire a tax pro.

I can give countless examples of times when I tapped out and I was so happy I did. It was a huge relief to call in reinforcements to take over the tasks that drained my energy.

This is a friendly reminder to you that EVERYONE TAPS. No one juggles all the hats of marketing, sales, fulfillment and operations for years.

Everyone should do it at first to learn their business inside and out but then you have to switch to delegation mode and get it off your plate ASAP.

If you are ready to tap out on lead follow up, comment below with TAP OUT

I will reach out so we can create a custom follow up system that works for you and represents your brand.

Need Help With Follow Up?

Book a call with Dustin to see if our done-for-you follow up service is a good fit so you can delegate and elevate to more important areas of your business.