Run Your Household Like a Business

This was a HUGE breakthrough I had that helped me to run my household better.

My language is business so the minute you start talking marketing, sales, leadership, culture and operations, I get fired up.

But I don’t get so excited about doing household chores or keeping the house stocked up. That was until I learned a valuable framework.

You can ABSOLUTELY run your house like a business!!

  • Inventory Checklist (Gym Supplies = House Supplies)
  • Announcements (Team Meetings = Family Meetings)
  • P+L Review (Business Income = Family Income)
  • Team Growth (Mentoring New Hires = Mentoring Your Kids)
  • Planning Ahead (Marketing Calendar = Family Calendar)
  • Delegation (Hiring Contractors For Gym Repairs = Hiring Yard Care)

This was the framework I needed to see the correlation between running a business and running a household.

Now I got fired up to change things in my home and I was able to deploy all the same tools, resources and systems we use in the business and apply them to my house.

That’s when running a house switched from difficult to easy.

It sounds simple and silly but it was freeing for me.

Do you run your household like a business?

Need Help With Follow Up?

Book a call with Dustin to see if our done-for-you follow up service is a good fit so you can delegate and elevate to more important areas of your business.