You Didn’t Open a Gym To Do Follow Up

Let’s face it…..following up with leads is not your favorite thing in the world.

Most Gym Owners decide to open their business because fitness has impacted in some way and they want to spread the word to their community.

And they don’t want to be told by a big corporate gym how to deliver amazing service. They also want to get to know their clients intimately so they can make a big impact on their life.

Like many things in your business…someone needs to do it but NOT YOU!

  • You don’t need to be cleaning bathrooms
  • You don’t need to be ordering supplies
  • You don’t need to be updating spreadsheets
  • You don’t need to be hammering the phones to chase leads

Your time is valuable and you should be devoting every single moment of your day to HIGH LEVERAGE ACTIVITIES.

  • Things like training your team to deliver an amazing experience.
  • Planning your next marketing campaign to make your phone ring off the hook.
  • Collecting feedback from your members to enhance your service.
  • Looking at your numbers and making informed decisions on where to invest resources.
  • Spending time on your personal growth so you can become a better leader.

Those are all the unsexy things that no guru will tell you to do but after being a Coach for 20 years and Gym Owner for 10 years, I can tell you that I’ve tried doing it all myself and it doesn’t work.

That’s why I created Gym Reinforcements! 

To help Gym Owners to take lead follow up off their plate so they focus on the bigger problems that grow the business.

And you’ve probably heard that the fortune is in the follow up which is 100% true. You are probably sitting on a pile of cash waiting to be collected if someone would just harvest it.

There’s 3 main places we mine for sales…

  1. Leads: the newest people to raise their hand and optin on your ads.
  2. Prospects: this is all the contacts in your database since you opened the doors.
  3. Past Members: they know, like and trust you. They just need a killer offer to get their membership activated again.

Need Help With Follow Up?

Book a call with Dustin to see if our done-for-you follow up service is a good fit so you can delegate and elevate to more important areas of your business.