You Are Being Tested

Very few students enjoy taking tests. Most students hate them, however teachers consistently use them to see what you’ve learned. Tests are no fun, but they are necessary. This applies to leadership as well.

Tests are opportunities for you to prove your potential, maturity and readiness for the next level.

✅ Pass the test and you move on
❌ Fail the test and you are held back

Tests are the only way to prove you are ready for your next responsibility and they come at critical points to show your character.

Here’s a few tests I’ve encountered through the years and I’ve seen others’ faces as well.

The Test of Small Things

The test comes when we are asked to do something beneath our potential and talent. It proves how faithful we are to commitments and whether we are ready for great opportunities.

The Stewardship Test

This test comes to demonstrate how wisely and generously we are handling the resources we have. Often we wish we had more or different resources but we have to use what we have.

The Consistency Test

This shows we can perform even when things aren’t fun and we don’t “feel like it”. We preach consistency over everything but you’re being tested if you say that but don’t follow it.

The Credibility Test

This test comes to demonstrate both your ability to get the job done and your personal integrity. It reveals whether we’re willing to compromise ethics under pressure.

The Offense Test

This test examines how we act when we become offended. Everyone’s vulnerable, but leaders are more likely to get criticized since they’re up front. The test is about how quickly we forgive.

These are just a handful of examples but there are countless more.

Make no mistake about it – YOU WILL GET TESTED.

You might be getting tested right now. That’s part of your growth journey. The next version of you is waiting on the other side of this test.. I’m rooting for you to pass it. I want to do anything in my power to help you get through it, and I know your teammates feel the same. But ultimately it’s on you to step up and face it.

As you go through the journey, remember this….

Before you can be used greatly, you must be tested deeply.

The reward of the test makes it worth it. Each test has its own reward like more self esteem, more skills, more income, more happiness, better mental health or something else.

Hopefully that’s some food for thought as you work through your current tests that life is putting you through. Cheers to getting A+ and moving on to the next grade.

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