Who the Heck is Dustin Bogle?

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I’ve been seeing dozens of new Gym Owners joining our wonderful community each week so I wanted to take a moment to reintroduce myself. If we’ve not interacted 1-1 yet, I want you to know that I’m just like you – a Gym Owner.

Today I operate 3 personal training facilities that offer boot camp, small group training and 1-1 personal training.

But it all started at one location where I wore all the hats – head coach, marketer, sales person, manager, janitor, CPA, recruiter and many more.

My wife was my right hand and we grew our facility to be a half million dollar gym within 3 years. We had a small team (3 others beside us) and would even hit 50k months. Like a bonehead, I thought I could easily copy this over to multiple locations. It makes sense right? Take what you did a location #1 and apply to #2, #3 and beyond. WRONG!

In a matter of 4 years we went on to open 5 more locations.

But it was a massive failure because I was hitting 50k/month at one location then I was hitting 20k/mo at location 2 and location one dropped to 40k/month.

Then I got 3 locations and had all of them around 30k/month.

In short, I was achieving the same revenue with less profit and a bigger team with more complexities. Lesson learned – more is not better, better is better.

It wasn’t easy walking through the fire of failure but I grew as a Gym Owner and my business is now systemized without me. In fact, I live in another state while they operate without me because I’ve built systems, leaders and a vision for us to grow into.

But enough about me…..let’s talk about how I can help you.

I started this Facebook Group as a community for Gym Owners to gather and get vulnerable and ask for help. If you need ideas on lead generation, sales advice, things you’re struggling with or want to share an awesome tool or resource, this is a safe place to do it.

In terms of the content I bring to the table, I know my strengths so I help Gym Owners in marketing, sales and team development. I know they all feed each other so we need them all. But I know the machine the feeds everything is sales.

When you have sales you can invest in marketing and lead generation strategies. When you have sales you can hire the best talent. When you have sales you have profit to pay yourself and save in the bank for a rainy day.

Sales is the lifeblood of business and why I put so much energy into helping Gym Owners in that area.

Finally, you should know that I can directly help you with your business by hiring my company – Gym Reinforcements. We are a Sales Agency that does 100% of your lead follow up and sales for you.

If you absolutely don’t want to do sales and want to hand it off to trained pros, then hire me and my team to do it for you. We contact your leads (from your ads) and your prospects (contacts in you database) and move them into your program.

No more having to do all the  texts, calls, emails and DMs with potential customers.

We take care of all it for you. If you want to talk more, book a call with me here…


Lastly, I will bring in experts to deliver amazing free trainings and workshops to help you build your business. All in the name of bringing value to you for being a participant in this group.

I would love to get to know you better. Please share the name of your gym, where you’re located and what your member or EFT goal is for 2023. LET’S GROW!!!

Need Help With Follow Up?

Book a call with Dustin to see if our done-for-you follow up service is a good fit so you can delegate and elevate to more important areas of your business.