Wealthy People Are Excellent Communicators

This might offend some people but this is an observation and belief of mine.

When you look at wealthy people, they are strong communicators either verbally or in written format.

Here’s some examples….

  • Verbal: Singers, Public Speakers, Social Media Influencers, Actors, Coaches
  • Written: Authors, Copywriters, Marketers, Producers, Social Media Influencers

Wealthy people are either strong in ONE or BOTH forms of communication. This isn’t a knock on anyone but poor people tend to be poor communicators.

That’s why this is such an important skill if you want to increase your income. Communication shows up in EVERY part of life.

  • Verbal: Sales Calls, Coaching a Client, Team Meetings, etc.
  • Written: Creating Content, Writing Marketing Texts & Emails, Documenting SOPs

Most people miss their opportunity to improve their communication skills because they aim to get things done as quickly as possible. Speed is important in business but take every communication as a chance to improve your skills.

You’re going to be doing it anyway, might as well use it to become more valuable in a skillset that makes you wealthy.

Think about the people you look up to and pay attention to their communication skills.

The Rock, Ed Mylett, Joe Rogan, Martin Luther King, Mel Robbins, Gary V, Tim Grover, Sara Blakely, Tony Robbins, etc.

They could be in business, entertainment or politics, they all had to master the art of communication to excel in their field. We often look at what they “do for work” as something to model.

But I say look at the skill sets that are overlapping regardless of their industry.

Strong communication is a Wealth Building Skill, so develop it daily!

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