Time is Your Most Precious Resource

I was talking with a Gym Owner yesterday who was a one man show. They coached all the sessions, did all the follow up, entered all the billing, setup their own marketing and were responsible for all their social media posts.

I’m not judging them because that was me the first 6 months of opening a gym. But I evolved out of that quickly because I knew it wasn’t sustainable.

The “busy work grind” is only supposed to exist for a period time, not forever.

If you are doing everything yourself, then you probably need to work on yourself. For most Gym Owners, they have a self-limiting belief that is holding them back.

Beliefs like…

  • No one will do it as good as me
  • There’s no talent on the market
  • I got burned in the past so I won’t try it again
  • I can save money if I do it myself

Your time is VERY valuable. Everything that needs to happen in your business costs you time and attention. The more you are spread, the less effective of a leader you are.

That being said, no Gym Owner should be doing the same thing forever. You should be evolving and your role changes over time. That’s because you are constantly replacing yourself.

Nothing changes if nothing changes. Read that again.

You cannot expect to continue to do the same things you are doing now and expect a different results next week. Chances are everything will be the same or marginally different.

Your responsibility as the Owner is to work on BIG relationships, BIG deals, BIG hires and BIG tasks that generate revenue.

If you are ready to get follow up off your plate, schedule a call with me so we can see if Gym Reinforcements is a good fit for you.

Book a call with me now

Need Help With Follow Up?

Book a call with Dustin to see if our done-for-you follow up service is a good fit so you can delegate and elevate to more important areas of your business.