The Simple Way to Build a SOP Library

I know that most of us are probably Type-A, driven people who like to do things that see immediate results. Working on the back end and setting up systems is not typically how entrepreneurs are wired.

Trust me, I was Mr. Anti-Systems for the longest time because I didn’t see the point of writing down the systems. I can just explain it in person.

But that was until I got more people on my team then I could meet with and I need to transfer information as quickly as possible. A high performing team cannot be built without systems.

Now I love systems because I can share a short checklist with a Loom video and get the best of both worlds. They can hear me explain it and have a visual document too. I believe the more senses that are engaged during training, the higher the retention rate of the information.

Now I want to share with you the SIMPLE process we follow to build Standard Operating Processes or SOPs

  • Step #1) Identify 2 Systems You Are Currently Doing This Week That Are Not Documented (Ex: Running a Boot Camp Session, Making a Sales Call, Entering Agreement into CRM, Opening / Closing The Gym)
  • Step #2) Write Down The System in a Short One-Page Checklist With The Fewest Words Possible.
  • Step #3) If Needed, Film a Loom or Video On Your Phone Explaining The Process In 3-5 Minutes.
  • Step #4) This Is The Final Step . . . Add It To Your SOP Library Master Document With Link To Video (Hosted on YouTube or Loom) and Link to Checklist (Written Doc)

Repeat this for a quarter and you will have captured 24 systems!! Delegate SOP building to 1-2 teammates and you can probably document every system in your Company.

Here’s why building SOPs is beneficial to your business.

  1. Companies that sell with a SOP library sell for more. It makes your company more valuable when a new Owner can step in and buy your assets plus your systems. Selling a business with no SOPs is far less valuable and more risky.
  2. It speeds up team growth. We can get a team member up to speed within weeks rather than months. We usually had to wait for experience and reps to get our team up to our standards. Now they get there quicker because we have improved our training and access to systems in one easy-to-find place.
  3. It drops your stress levels immensely. It’s stressful to repeat yourself and feel like you will never let go of training new team members. If you can build a SOP library, they can go through the materials on their own and will likely need 20% live training and 80% on-your-own training. That’s how you leverage your time and reduce stress.

Don’t get overwhelmed with all the SOPs that need to be built. Start with the BIG ONES first. The core systems that are necessary for business operations – how to run a session, how to sell a membership, how to run a team meeting, how to send marketing emails, etc.

The small stuff can be pushed to another team member or next quarter.

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