The Sale Is The Start of the Coaching Relationship

Most Coaches and Gym Owners who get into the fitness industry have a big heart. They want to help because they care and want to help people to live a healthy lifestyle.

And they tend to despise sales.

After all, sales requires pushing back on people, overcoming objections, asking for money and getting people to commit.

All the NOT fun parts of running a business.

But I shared a framework that has helped many Gym Owners to increase their sales without feeling like a pushy, slimy salesperson.

Here’s a different way to look at sales…’s the beginning of the coaching relationship!

When you are truly coaching someone, that means you are teaching them a new way to think. If the person already knows something, you are simply reminding them.

Here’s some examples…

  • Most people don’t need to be told to eat protein, they need to be reminded.
  • But when you explain to most people why resistance training is superior to cardio fat-loss, that’s a coaching moment. You are teaching them a new way to think.

Now let’s apply that to a sales environment.

When someone has low confidence in themselves, low follow through, guilt in spending money on their health or making time for themselves, those are tough moments.

Those are coaching moments.

The same way you coach someone to see why resistance > cardio is the same mindset you need to have when selling someone and getting them out of their own way. 

Here’s the kicker…if you can’t help them to decide to join then you can’t teach them all the great things you know about fitness, nutrition, recovery and mindset.

That’s why the sale is the START of the coaching relationship!

You are coaching them for the first time through a tough moment. And you are assuming the seat of the mentor in their life around the area of health. Maybe you will help them beyond that but they will never know unless they buy. 

This simple switch has helped managers, sales reps and Gym Owners to get out of their own way (because they are humans with mindset blocks too) and really step into the sales meeting with the right frame of thinking.

Show up to COACH the person and you will help them to untangle the crossed wires in their mind around making the commitment to your program.

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