The Numbers that Get the Most Attention, Get the Most Improvement

You and your team only have so much mind space. In other words, you can only juggle so many thoughts and priorities at once. That’s why the leader (YOU) need to remind them of where you want the most time, energy and resources focused.

You can’t fix everything in your business at once.

So, it’s best to put 100% focus into improving the big domino that will create the biggest change. And the way to inspect what you expect is to create a number.

A number is measurable. It tells the team if we are winning, losing or staying stagnant. Numbers do not attack someone personally. They are cold. They are honest. They are never wrong.

If you want your team to REALLY CARE about something in your business then you have to reference a number over and over again throughout the week. Ideally, it would be daily.

You have to bring up “the number” in meetings. You have to mention “the number” in your team group chat. You have to give updates on “the number” throughout the week.

The number that gets the most attention gets the most improvement.

What is “the number” for you?

What number would act as a big domino that would solve 80% of your problems?

Comment below and share!

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