The Cap On Your Business

After 20 years in the fitness industry and coaching thousands of business owners, I can see so many of them suffering because of the “this is how we’ve always done it” mindset.

Years later, they look up and you realize they made a huge mistake and wish they could rewind the clock.

It’s called wisdom and it usually takes mistakes, learning from mentors or trial-and-error to gather it

The cap on a business is always going to be the business owner.

The owners ability to build their skills, get experience, talk to peers and upgrade their mindset. That’s why two gyms can open at the same time and have a completely different success rate..they have two different owners.

That’s why I want to remind you that the best investment you can make is in YOURSELF.

Sometimes we look at business investments as linear…

  • Invest money in marketing to get leads
  • Invest money in equipment to add variety
  • Invest money in software to get more organized

It’s very clear that you will get 1 or 2 things. But the best investment we look past is investing in yourself. It’s not a linear result, it’s a global result.

Everything you interact with will be impacted. How powerful is that?

When the owner upgrades, they are a better leader to their team.

When the owner upgrades, they have more skills to apply to the business.

When the owner upgrades, they attract better talent.

When the owner upgrades, they can better mentor their team.

There’s so many reasons for the owner to invest in themselves. It has a far bigger impact than any one investment with a linear return.

That’s why I want to invite you to become a member of the Fitness Empire Mastermind.

This is the ultimate mastermind for Gym Owners and we are opening our doors for ONLY $1!

That’s right, for $1 you can join the Mastermind that gives you a 1:1 coaching call with me or Matt Wilber and all of our done-for-you resources…including marketing campaigns.

We won’t just give you stuff…we also teach you how to think like a 7F Gym Owner because that’s what we’ve both accomplished.

Need Help With Follow Up?

Book a call with Dustin to see if our done-for-you follow up service is a good fit so you can delegate and elevate to more important areas of your business.