The C.H.A.R.M. Sales Process

I’m FIRED UP for the release of my book in February. One of the chapters is about the unique sales process that I created that switches your mind from SELLING to SERVING.

Most Gym Owners or Coaches feel slimy when selling because they are focused too much on themselves.

They say thing like…

“I want to close this deal.” or “I’m going to sell this person.” or “I hope I don’t drop the ball on this sale.”

All of those statements start with “I” which is the wrong way to approach sales.

I was achieving 83% close rate and I decided to write down what I do step-by-step in a memorable process. I called it the C.H.A.R.M Sales Process and I go over it in greater detail in my book. But today I’m going to share the main overview with you.

Crack a Smile

My first goal when talking to a prospect is to get a smile or laugh within the first 10-30 seconds. I usually open by making fun of myself or sharing a funny story that happened recently. I want them to see I take what I do seriously but I don’t take myself too seriously.

How Can I Help?

I want to get to know about the prospects’ goals and what they want to achieve fitness wise. At this point I like to take notes to show them they are important. One of the best ways to make someone feel important is to make sure they feel understood.

Ask About The Pain

Now you want to collect the juicy details. It’s time to get below the surface and to find the pain. Ask for more details so they can feel the pain at a deeper level and you can better understand it. You want to ask questions with “feel” in them to get them to emotionally open up more.

Don’t be remembered as the gym that asked two questions and made an offer. Seek to understand and solve a painful problem by asking about the pain and how it makes them feel then move to the next step.

Reveal Your Solution

This is the part in the sale where you want to get really excited and have high energy. The big reveal is coming and there should be a major uptick in enthusiasm. First off, you should recap what they shared with us in terms of their goals. Use as many details and “feeling statements” as possible to really heighten the pain and urgency to solve this problem.

Next, you must build immense value. List everything they get from your offer and what problem it solves. And if you are a true master, you connect the line item on your value stack with a specific problem they mentioned.

Make The Sale

Now it’s time to ask for the sale. This is where most sales are lost. Too many Gym Owners are simply not asking for the sale. Gym Owners often use soft language like “just let me know when you are ready to get started.”

Instead, use phrases like “I’m excited to work with you. Do you want to pay-in-full and save 10% or put it on a payment plan?

The first example uses soft language and puts the ball in the prospects court. Most people will kick the can on decision and procrastinate. That only sets you up for more follow up and admin work. Instead you want to use “the assumed sale” which is where you assume they are getting started and guide them into the next step.

Again, this is the quick version. But this is the process we teach our Sales Associates to use in Gym Reinforcements so they can close more deals. I looked at our data and we have a 76% closing percentage when we pitch the offer.

That goes to show you this sales process is easy to teach others and it works.

Don’t look at this and assume it’s too simple. SIMPLICITY SCALES!

Let me know if this helped you with sales.

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