New Offer Ideas for Oct / Nov

I’m coming in HOT today with tons of value so you can have a strategic marketing plan in October and November. This is an exclusive bonus I provide to my Gym Reinforcements customers but I’m pulling back the curtain and giving it to you today because I want to see you grow!

Here’s some great new offers to test with your leads….

  • Lean By Halloween Challenge
    The first two weeks of October is a great time to sell a “limited time” challenge that has a short registration period. We offer this challenge from Oct 1 – Oct 15 only so that there’s urgency to jump on it ASAP. One of the selling points is that we show them how to lose fat WHILE EATING CHOCOLATE!!
  • Beginner Boot Camp Challenge
    This is something that can apply to all group training facilities. You probably work with 80% beginners so it’s a great idea to name a challenge just for that client avatar. Let them know the workouts are beginner friendly, they will get constant
  • Beast Before The Feast Challenge
    We begin selling this at the end of October so that it ends before Thanksgiving. We actually target men with this offer since it speaks more to their goals and it’s worked well if you talk about packing on muscle and strength training in your FB ads.

Remember, your marketing will rarely get people to buy since they’ve been hammered with ads from multiple gyms. It’s meant to make them feel like you understand their problems and you have a solution.

Ads Sell The Call ⇒ Call Sells The Trial Program ⇒ Client Experience and Results Sells The Membership

I hope this helps you get a plan together for your marketing in October and November so you can grow hard before the holiday slow down. You should focused 100% on sales between now and Thanksgiving.

And if you need help in that area…send me a DM so my team can get integrated and do all your lead follow up FOR YOU.

It’s about a 3-4 day turnaround from when you give us a green light to beginning to make outbound calls, texts and DMs for your business. The sooner you reach you, the sooner we can get started.

Need Help With Follow Up?

Book a call with Dustin to see if our done-for-you follow up service is a good fit so you can delegate and elevate to more important areas of your business.