I Used to Be a Perfectionist

I take my pride in my work. I want it to be my best. But I’ve learned that sometimes it can shift into perfectionism which actually hurts me.

Does anyone else struggle with this?

Perfectionism hurts you because you can find yourself stuck on mindless little details that mean nothing once it gets released to others.

  • Waiting to make a new hire or invest in new ads until it was the perfect time of year.
  • Countless hours in Canva making the text have the perfect color share or design.
  • Revamping my programming until it felt like “the perfect workout”.
  • Rewriting emails or texts over and over again until it sounded perfect.

Here’s the truth….PERFECT IS THE ENEMY!!

We can often preach this to our clients but use this excuse ourselves.

Don’t let perfect stop you from making progress.

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