Grow Your Audience = Grow Your Business

This is something that I wasn’t doing for the longest time and it bit me in the butt. But once I started doing it, I was able to grow my business much quicker.

Before I share this value bomb, I think it’s important you know the difference in terminology that Facebook has put in place.


This is a person “Dustin Bogle” that can friend up to 5,000 people. Most of your posts show up to your friends. The more likes it gets, the more friends will see it.


This is to represent a business “XYZ Fitness” and can get reviews and you can run ads from a page, not a profile. But you can’t friend people. The only way to get on their feed is to get them to like your page or engage with it. Even then, you will only have your posts show up organically on 10-15% of Page likes. Boosted posts will get you in front of more of your likes.

Okay now that we are clear on the difference between a PROFILE and PAGE, let me set a scene…

  • Joe has 400 friends on his Profile (Not Biz Page) and he posts about his group training program by showcasing client transformations and occasionally drops call-to-action posts. Joe is consistent and gets a lead once a week from organic posting.
  • Mike started with 400 friends like Joe but adds every member and trial client as a friend. If anyone engages with his Profile or Page, he will friend them too. Mike is on a mission to add 5,000 local people as friends to maximize his post engagement. When Mike posts, he gets 2-5 leads per week inquiring about services.

I’m sharing this scenario because I want you to be like Mike!

As Mike’s audience grows, the impact of his posts grow. It’s like a snowball of attention for his business. If your audience is identical from one month to the next, how can you expect your posts to grow in their impact.

That’s why one of the FASTEST ways to grow your business is to grow your audience.

Yes, that means running ads and collecting phone numbers and emails but your FB profile is FREE. It just takes some hustle time. If you friend 10-20 people per day, you will max out your profile in no time.

Go where your ideal customer is and start friending local people.

  • You should be friending EVERY member and trial member that trains with you.
  • You can join local groups (Moms Group / Runners Group) and friend folks there.
  • You can post content and friend everyone who engages.

The beauty of adding ideal customers to your FB Profile is that it’s FREE MARKETING and it has a higher delivery rate on feeds compared to Pages. Don’t get me wrong, we post consistently on our Page but I don’t get anywhere near the engagement as I do on a Profile.

Want to speed it up even more?

Create a “work profile” for your team and have them do the same thing. Imagine 5 team members with 5,000 local friends posting about a challenge?

That’s 25,000 locals being hit and it costs you NOTHING but time!!

I hope you can see the power of growing your profile. This applies to Instagram too. Just search local hashtags and start following anyone who has used them on a post.

Okay enough talk, it’s time for action. How many friends are you adding this week?

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