The Top 3 Things Successful Gym Owners Focus On

It bugs me when social media influencers say “I’ve been getting questions about _____”or “Everyone has been DMing me about ______” and it’s actually a cheesy way for them to bring up a topic.But in all reality, I seriously DID get a DM about this question.😂

The Gym Owner asked me to speak on the top 3 things that successful Gym Owners focus on to grow their business. That’s a great question!This list comes from me being a Gym Owner for 10 years and knowing hundreds of Gym Owners around the world. I’ve visited dozens of locations delivering workshops and I’ve had countless conversations around this topic which is why I feel qualified to weigh in.

#1) Who Not How

This takes time, trust and training to develop. If you hire great people, you should give them great training, give them time to grow and then they should earn your trust. The final one is the hardest one for Gym Owners. Once you have people in your Company you can trust, you can start to operate with a WHO not HOW mindset.That means you stop asking yourself “how will get I get this done this week?” and change your mindset to “who will get this done this week?”You are essentially not allowing yourself to take on more because you probably have too much. It’s a delegate and elevate exercise so you can focus on your the highest level tasks like marketing, developing your team, making your next hire, selling more.

#2) Invest In Marketing and Sales

The next thing that separates successful Gym Owners with multiple six and seven figure gyms is that they are not afraid to invest in marketing in sales. All entrepreneurs have a risk tolerance but most hit a wall after they open doors.For some reason they will risk signing the lease, buying equipment, paying for the signage and hiring their first Coach. Then they switch to being risk averse instead of being a risk taker.
I’m not saying you should be sloppy with your money but your business will often not grow until you invest into your marketing and sales efforts. Those two things can literally make or break a gym. It’s the difference between surviving and thriving.When I talk to a Gym Owner that is doing $50,000/mo or more, they are often spending money on their paid ads, working with an ad agency, investing into good sales people and creating offers they can run monthly to their members.I know it can be scary because there’s no guarantee of a return but you didn’t open a business to “hope it all works out”. You have to be aggressive and MARKET HARD and SELL HARD to get your slice of the pie that’s out there.

#3) They Have a Business Coach

I know this is ANOTHER investment but it pays off 10x when you hire the right one. I’ve been “sold” many times and hired someone that wasn’t what I needed at that point of time. Maybe they would have been a good fit when I first opened doors but they didn’t current my current level of business.
Other times, they were all hype and “rah rah” speeches but not tactical strategies or how-to’s on the next steps to grow my business.But when I found a GOOD Business Coach, it was a game changer and it created light speed growth in my business. And I’ve seen that same quality in other Gym Owners that are extremely successful – they have a Coach in their corner.Otherwise, you are an island. You are all alone. Your problems seem much bigger and darker. Then you talk to someone who got through it and what they did step-by-step.That gives you hope and allows you to see exactly what to do next to move forward.You must be coachable, an action taker and have the ability to decipher what is the highest priority task. It’s easy to leave a coaching call, mastermind or workshop with a MILLION things to do. But you must be able to pick the 1-3 things that you do next.Then move to the next 1-3 things and so on.That’s the 3 things that I see successful Gym Owners focusing on. In short, they build a strong team and lead them with clear vision. They invest in sales and marketing so theycan have more and more money coming in from one month to the next. And they aren’t afraid to hire a Business Coach to show them how to build up momentum.Which one of these 3 are you doing? COMMENT BELOW!

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