The Two R’s That Drive Retention

Selling fitness is unique because it’s invisible. It’s not a product you get to touch. It doesn’t come wrapped in a box and you get to joyfully open up when you get home. It’s not a service you can see at first. It’s something you see after like getting your car washed or lawn mowed. But it happens MONTHS later, not 1-2 hours later.

When a client signs up with a Coach, they get nothing but hope that it will work.

We tell them we are going to burn these mystery things in their body called calories and that if they show up everyday and trust the process, enough of them will go away resulting in a leaner body.

When you are selling fitness, you have to be aware of what the person is truly getting from the purchase. The Two R’s listed below is what really makes your clients stay, pay and refer.


This is the first R and it’s your first interview step. People want to see changes in their body. Your program cannot be about workouts only. You have to approach the entire puzzle, not just a piece of it. That means helping them with nutrition, habits, mindset, self-limiting beliefs and more. We don’t want “flash in the pan” results that come and go. We want long term results. At my Rock Star Coaching Workshops, I ask the Coaches in attendance to give me examples of results that they help their clients achieve.

Some of the answers I get include….

  • More strength
  • Getting off medication
  • Less body fat
  • More energy
  • Feeling younger
  • Increased energy

The list can go on and on but you get the point. Its the results the person feels in their body that is the first “R” of retention. If you are getting your clients results, they aren’t going anywhere. You probably can think of someone who canceled who said one thing but the truth is that their body has not changed for awhile. That’s on you to improve so it doesn’t happen often!


The second “R” takes time but it’s what makes a client stay with you for years. Your clients will gladly drive by other gyms in town because it means starting a relationship over from square one. Why do that when they know, like and trust you?

Coaching is a relationship driven business. You have to get to know your clients beneath the surface level of their fitness goals. Where do they work? Are they single or married? Do they have kids? What about pets? What do they do for fun on the weekend? What are their dreams?

All good things you should know about your clients. These topics come up in the interactions between sessions. You learn about it when you follow them on social media and see what they are up to. Knowing this information helps to personalize their experience. You can help them get fit for their upcoming vacation, 40th birthday party, anniversary or 10k run.

How do you know when you have a deep relationship with a client? Here’s what the Coaches that I’ve polled had to say…

  • You have inside jokes
  • You know the names of the kids and spouse
  • They share personal stories
  • Willing to cry around you
  • The confide in you
  • Give you 5-star reviews
  • Like and comments on your posts
  • Humor and sarcasm in your interactions
  • They trust you

Now after we make these two lists, I ask those in attendance….how much is this worth?

Every single time someone responds with “IT’S PRICELESS!”

Bingo!! If we help our clients to achieve results in their body, habits and mindset. And we build a strong relationship with them, why are so many Coaches and Gym Owners charging so little for their service?

Why is a priceless transformation being given away at a price that doesn’t allow you to stay in business?

If you transform their life, shouldn’t you be compensated appropriately for the skills required to do that.

This brings me back to my point about what we sell as invisible – at first. Most Coaches and Gym Owners feel this way because they are not putting a physical product in the person’s hands. It’s hard to justify a price for something invisible.

This exercise has always helped Coaches and Gym Owners to see their value and what they do for their clients in a powerful way. I hope that it’s unlocked your mind to realize that you are worth every single dollar you charge….and more!

You should probably raise your prices because your service is truly priceless.

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